Ok this what you guys have been waiting for-tips for finding coupons. To be blunt there is no easy answer to where the coupons are online for Canada-type in Coupons Canada or Couponing Canada or Canadian Coupons into Google. I will provide some links, but sorry there is no magic cure to finding coupons-you have to search them out.
For even more tips-I recommend watching
Extreme Couponing on the Learning Channel! Check your local listings. It gives you an idea of the potential savings and provides a good general overview of the whole process.
Note: This is an American show-the rules are different- ie. you cannot stack coupons in most Canadian retail stores.
To begin with it is a very time consuming venture and it is not easy to find coupons in Canada. Lisa spends approx. 10-14 hours a week getting coupons on the internet and going through flyers. I help here go through flyers, as well, as it is very timely process.
Second of all you need a good printer as you will be printing a lot of coupons.
Thirdly make sure you getting Canadian and not American coupons.
Fourthly you need to make sure you have newspapers with flyers-you will need multiple papers.
Next you will need a car - you do have to go to multiple stores to generate savings!
Also you need to be able to organize well. Lisa has a binder and has to organize all of the coupons-you will need multiple binders by the end. You need to use hockey card pages and page dividers to separate all of the different coupons that you will need.
It does take time to search the savings and to actually shop-so you have to be good at budgeting time.
You do need to have a pair of kahunas to complete this. You may have multiple coupons for the cashier (who may not be pleased that you causing them extra work) or the shame of pushing a cart with 50 boxes of baggies through a busy store or go in for multiple trips to save even more money. Just remember these savings are paying for your dream vacation or helping you save money or even pay for your house faster.
Watch the cashier-they can make mistakes and really have a lot of coupons to deal with in the run of a week.
A new different email is a good decision-you do not want your work or personal email over-run with "junk mail". We use savingscratch@gmail.com for ours!
You may have to fill out a lot of forms-this is necessary to get coupons-you also have to send coupons to your house. Once you get going... you will never look at junk mail the same again.
Well there are some tips to get you going-links coming next!